January 21, 2012

Scatter Plot ( Graphical Analysis)

Here's the continuation of my previous post.  We used two instruments to actually have a graphical analysis of our activity, the free-fall motion.

First is the result of our ball in free-fall motion using an instrument called Lab Quest with attached sensor.
I have made 3 sets of graph:

For the three graphs, I included it's polynomial trend line to know some useful information like the equation of the motion and the trend of the motion as well.

From the graph, Velocity vs. Time, we could conclude that the ball reaches it's maximum height between 2 to 3 seconds of actual motion. It is when Velocity is 0. The Position vs. Time graph would support this conclusion through seeing that the trendline is at it's highest during the 2-3 second interval.

Another activity is monitoring the free-fall motion using a Lab quest attached with a photogate.
I have made 3 sets of graph:

For the three graphs, I included it's polynomial trend line to know some useful information like the equation of the motion and the trend of the motion as well.

We could conlude from the graph that the distance is exponentially increasing due to the trend of the polynomial trendline and that the acceleration of the object during free fall is on a parabolic manner.

The extra lines that we see on the graph are what we call Error Bars with Standard Deviation.  The standard deviation is set to 0.1 for every graph.

The equations for the motion are also shown in every graph.

This is the last set for our activity on graphical analysis.  I'll post more of our activities.

PHYSICS ROCKS! - shadow3

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